The new year is all about planning for the future and determining what is driving you personally and professionally. Leaders talk about their “vision” and where they want to go in the future. Proverbs 29:18a says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” It emphasizes how important vision is to an organization, family, or individual. If people thought they might perish without a vision, they would be more diligent in writing down their goals for the future!
Statistics show that 95% of people in the United States do not write down their goals. Of the 5% that do, they accomplish 75% of them. So, why don’t we do it? Fear is one of the reasons. It puts pressure on us and disciplines us. Who wants to be disciplined?
But if we really understood the power of this habit and read our goals often and act on them, we could go places that make our “vision” a reality.
Hays Service Strives to Make Our Vision a Reality
Our company has spent the last four years working on these principles. We write down weekly, quarterly, and annual goals. We review them every week. We argue, then agree on a strategy to move forward. Leadership starts with a vision, but these weekly and quarterly habits and reviews make us accountable. As we implement these principles into the organization, we gain traction.
More than goal setting, there is power when a team desires to win. A team then believes in its mission and does the right thing. This allows us to enjoy the fruits of our labor.
Take a leap of faith this year and crystallize your thoughts with the help of a team of like-minded people.
Your vision will then make you flourish and not perish!
Happy New Year to all our customers and partners!
- Cal Hays, President of Hays Service