So, who really sticks with their New Year’s resolutions? Almost no one does, according to experts, and most resolutions are history after a few weeks. The most common resolutions involve weight loss and exercise, and fade fast after January 1.
Now, I don’t want this post to be negative. Last January, I wrote about setting goals and all the positive energy doing so can bring. Well, guess what? We set some pretty ambitious goals at Hays Service last year, and we met at least 75% of them! I was amazed at the results, and I think putting them down in writing and reviewing them each week was huge.
Now, I don’t want this post to be negative. I haven’t always written down my goals and there was no pressure and things worked out fine. Or, so I thought. Looking back and thinking about what I needed to do, some accountability would have been helpful.
So, what should we do this year, right now, before February rolls around? Set goals.
Ask your spouse, coworkers, and maybe a close and trusted friend a few questions, like:
- What do you think I’m good at that I could share with others?
- What am I doing that might not be productive and that I should stop doing?
- Do I seem to be using my money wisely?
- Am I putting my faith and my family first?
Now, you may be saying, “You’re crazy! I’m not asking people those questions!” Well, then you may have a good year, but might not have a great year, or even a breakthrough year. Go for it! Ask the questions, write down the answers, and use them to set some goals for the year.
I promise, you will never regret the results.
Be safe in the new year, and don’t forget: service above self, always!
Coach Cal