Summer, summer, summer! We love the warm weather, but the heat does a lot to us and the equipment we maintain. It can be refreshing and miserable all in the same day. The Hays Service team works in some very tough environments and our guys must be very adaptable to a variety of conditions. The weather may be hot in the summer but a boiler room in the winter can be very hot, too. A roof with a lot of mechanical equipment can be very hot (over 140°F) in the summer but also in single digits with wind chill in the winter.
Due to the nature of our work, love and respect in our company is crucial for success. Recently, we had our annual meeting to revisit our core values, core focus, and our targets. Most importantly, we focused on our theme “Love Your People” and what that really means in our company culture and everyday world.
Our guys deal with heavy equipment and how it’s handled can be a life and death matter. So, trust is a BIG issue. Our relationship with our customers is a BIG deal. They depend on us every day to keep their plant or mill running 24/7/365. Our customers who have large office environments with long-term tenants rely on us to keep their work areas comfortable every day.
Long-Term Success
None of this is easy and it requires a real belief in our core values – Caring, Professional, Committed, and Integrity. So, what does “Love Your People” have to do with all of this? Without trust and a real love for your job and the people around you, we cannot truly succeed. We can make money, keep customers loyal, and do a decent job in the short run, but long-term success takes much more than that.
Our business has been around for 73 years and we have had the opportunity to see how high-trust and low-trust can affect a culture. We didn’t talk much in the old days about love and how caring about each other really make us special. But it comes out in our quality of work, our attitude with customers, and our outlook on life. When you have a support system at home or in your company, you will be a much more productive version of yourself. You will also be more likable by all!
So, there you have it. We love our people and we love our customers every day. We must work through tough spots with both sometimes, but this high-trust environment makes a positive outcome much more likely. Thanks for reading this and learning more about Hays Service and what makes us get up every day!
- Cal
Contact Hays Service today to see how we can help your business thrive!