Some of my favorite memories are centered around the holidays. For me, the season is about Christmas and celebrating the birth of my Savior, Jesus Christ. For others, it’s a time of giving and enjoying the holiday spirit. But, no matter your religion or your beliefs, we all seem to use the season as a time to reflect on the past year and consider what the new year will bring.
At Hays Service, we always celebrate the season with a traditional party, as well as a lot of mini-celebrations with customers and friends. While we have so many loyal customers that it’s hard to see them all in person, we always enjoy reaching out to each and every customer at this time of year. With a small token of appreciation, we let all of our customers know how much they mean to us.
Of course, our employees and their families are important during this time of the year. We practice our core value of Caring and our core focus of Building Lasting Relationships with all of our team members, using the end of the year as an opportunity to further strengthen our team.
We also know that some of our neighbors will endure tough times during the holidays. We strive to help those in need, giving to several charities that benefit the disadvantaged.
But the most important thing about the holidays is the attitude of gratitude we feel this time of year. We are so blessed and thankful for everything we’ve done and achieved in the last twelve months. It has been a year of some sacrifice and plenty of growth.
So, have a healthy and safe holiday, and know that the team at Hays appreciate the business, always.
Merry Christmas!