Please remember that even as the temperature rises significantly in June, your HVAC maintenance routine has prepared your equipment for this heat. You’ve ensured that your system has a proper refrigerant charge, clean filters, and everything else it needs to keep running!
Wait – you did turn to a qualified technician or HVAC company to perform these services, didn’t you?
If you didn’t, it’s never too late to get started – but don’t wait much longer before you get in touch. Setting up a maintenance routine is a process.
At Hays Service, establishing a customer’s service and assigning the right procedures to their systems is not a cookie-cutter task. We take the time to develop very specific procedures that are highly customized for each client’s run time, operating environment, and many other factors.
We’ve had customers tell us they didn’t know that summer could be so easy. These same customers used to cringe, thinking about whether they’d make it through the season without a significant equipment failure or constant comfort complaints. They now know what I’m saying to all of you: it does not have to be that way.
Please call us soon and let us do an evaluation. If we think we can help, we’ll propose common-sense solutions to keep you running all summer long and beyond!
Enjoy the summer sunshine – but remember to hydrate always!
Coach Cal